State Sen. Kris Jordan (R-OH) Violent Drunk Republican of the Week
Turns out State Sen. Kris Jordan won’t be facing criminal charges. And just who is Kris Jordan, you ask? He's a Republican state senator in Ohio. He hates taxes, loves the NRA, and, oh yeah, seems to have a little drinking-and-getting-violent-with-his-wife problem.Kris Jordan is your typical candy-ass conservative. Of course he stays home in his castle and makes the family fell like they're trapped with a mad man. If Jordan put on shows like that in a cocktail lounge or restaurant his fake family values ass would get smacked down in a heartbeat.
Sen. Jordan, a Republican from Powell, told deputies that he and his wife had argued over his not cleaning their condo. Cruiser dashboard camera recordings released yesterday detail the deputies’ conversations with the Jordans.
“She got a little upset,” Sen. Jordan told a deputy on the recording. “Girls do that.”
The 34-year-old senator went on to say the incident was “90 percent emotion.”
“I threw some things on the ground, but I didn’t hit her or anything,” he said. “So she’s all worked up about who knows.”
Oh, those gosh darned girls, getting all emotional, the way they do. No wonder the esteemed state senator from Powell has to drink and get violent sometimes.
[His wife] also was recorded as saying violent incidents with her husband began about two years ago, sometimes after he had been drinking. She said her husband had been drinking that night but not to excess.
“This is not new,” Mrs. Jordan, 31, said. “He’s done this numerous times, and I just got sick of it and I just had to call.”
Imagine, a wife getting sick of her husband's drunken violence and finally calling the cops on him. The way girls do. But hey, at least he didn't hit her this time. Quick, someone give this guy a medal!
After all, according to his own press releases, he is a "proven advocate for family values." By which he means, apparently, that he's great at knocking back a few and then knocking around his wife. Because, you know, hypocritical Republican "family values" advocates do that.
Forbes Columnist Suggests Public Servants, Welfare Recipients Should Lose “Voting Privileges”
In an August 4 post titled “If On The Dole Why Do You Still Get To Go To The Poll?” Forbes columnist Bill Flax wrote, “Before we devolve into a Third World dictatorship where the mob denies the liberties of losing minorities we ought to ponder several potential solutions.” His list of suggestions:Fall on hard time, I don't know, maybe because Wall St played with the nation's wealth like drunken gamblers, ask for food stamps, lose your voting rights. Only a conservative could dream up new excuses for pushing America back to the days when only rich white land owners could vote.
A basic literacy assessment;
A non-partisan test ensuring competency of basic constitutional principles;
A stake in the community reflected by property, employment or other measures;
Restrict the franchise to lessen conflicts of interest regarding state employees, lobbyists, contractors, etc.;
Surrender one’s voting privileges when seeking public assistance.
The rest of Flax’s post touched on familiar right-wing falsehoods: half of Americans don’t pay taxes; fighting poverty is a waste of money; the poor in America aren’t really poor because they can buy appliances.
As a reminder, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned the institution of “basic literacy assessment[s]” and other “voting qualifications or prerequisites” based on race. Apparently, Flax thinks it’s OK to discriminate against people based on their jobs -- public employees -- or economic status -- the recipients of “public assistance” -- by removing their ability to vote.
Though Flax’s suggestion that voting rights should be rolled back came in a blog post, his writing is also published in Forbes magazine.
Flax’s bio says he “live[s] in Cincinnati, Ohio and work[s] in the banking industry.” Last year, he had a book published called The Courage to Do Nothing: A Moral Defense of Markets and Freedom. The back cover says, “Read The Courage to do Nothing to learn economic truths ignored by the cultural elites determined to change America into a European-style socialist boondoggle.”