Sharron Angle: 'Sometimes Dictators Have Good Ideas'
Failed Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle -- who fell short in her bid to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) -- is making headlines again, this time for having said "sometimes dictators have good ideas."If there is a dictator out there who has a private social security plan that works the least Angle could do is find that system and tell everyone how it works. As it is right-wing Pinochet's privatization scheme for Chile has been around for twenty years and it is a disaster. So much so the government has had to un-privatize it to keep it financially viable. Details here - Reid opponent Sharron Angle stumps for military dictator’s retirement program
Jon Ralston at the Las Vegas Sun reports that Angle made the comments at a private meet and greet late in the campaign season.
She was reportedly referring to former Chilean President Augusto Pinochet and privatizing Social Security, an example she had used during her campaign. Her staff was nervous that the quote would go public. But no media were present at the event, which is likely why the line has been kept under wraps until now.
During her campaign, Angle flip-flopped many times on her position on privatizing social security.
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