New GOP Legislator Incensed by Delay of His Government Health Care Coverage
A newly elected Maryland congressman startled other frosh at a congressional info session on Monday by growing indignant over the fact that his government-funded health care wouldn't be active immediately, reports Politico. Republican Rep. Andy Harris, who triumphed over Democrat Frank Kratovil in his congressional race with promises to vanquish Obamacare, couldn't believe that his policy would take a month to become active after his swearing in on Jan. 3. "He stood up and asked the two ladies who were answering questions why it had to take so long, what he would do without 28 days of health care," said a congressional staffer present at the benefits information session attended by 250 freshman, staff, and family members. "Harris then asked if he could purchase insurance from the government to cover the gap," said the staffer. Harris, a doctor turned legislator who works at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, also told the audience: "This is the only employer I've ever worked for where you don't get coverage the first day you are employed." During his congressional campaign, Harris vowed to "fight to repeal health-care reform." His spokeswoman said his statements at the meeting were merely intended to highlight the ineptitude of government health coverage.No matter what new labels they are applying to themselves that same old elitist sense of entitlement will always show itself eventually in conservatives. He has been very lucky the jobs he has held before have health insurance that kick in on the first day of employment. Most employers have a 30 to 90 day waiting period before health benefits kick in. No need to point out what a hypocrite Harris is. Conservatives by definition are society's worse hypocrites. How many of these newly elected conservatives who are determined to repeal health care reform will have the courage of their convictions and refuse government subsidized health care benefits. Probably as many as the conservative Republicans already there. Zero.
Still lapdogs: Media figures host Bush's rehabilitation tour
Every Republican presidency since Nixon has been an utter disaster. Bush the worse of the lot. His reputation will take a lot of slight of hand by his media friends to be rehabilitated.
Numerous media figures have interviewed former President George W. Bush following the November 9 release of his book, Decision Points. Bush and his interviewers used these interviews as an opportunity to rewrite his presidency by promoting false claims and misinformation about Bush's tenure.