GOP's Top Tax Guy: Republicans Will Block Permanent Middle-Class Tax Cut
The Republicans' top tax guy in the House threatened in the clearest possible terms today that he and the rest of the GOP would vote to block any tax cut for the middle class during the lame duck session unless tax cuts for the wealthy are extended for the same period of time.Keeping the Bush tax cuts for the top two percent of Americans - billionaires mostly - would add $700 billion dollars to the deficit. If tax cuts for the wealthy boosted the economy than how come Bush had the worse job creation record since Herbert Hoover and left America the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Republican economics has never worked and never will. Meet the $700 Billion Club
In a policy speech at the business-friendly Tax Council today, incoming Ways and Means Committee chairman David Camp called the Democratic plan for tax cuts -- a permanent tax cut extension for all income up to $200,000, and a temporary extension for income above that level -- "a terrible idea and a total nonstarter."
"We would be foolish to fall for it," Camp said.
For most of the 1990's, the top income earners in the United States paid a 39.6% tax rate during a time which produced a booming economy for them - and pretty much everyone else. Now, after the Bush tax cut windfall for the wealthy produced a decade of falling household incomes, skyrocketing deficits and record income inequality, Republicans are waging an all-out war to prevent a return to the modestly higher upper income tax rates of the Clinton-era. To give another budget-busting payday to the wealthiest 2% of Americans, the GOP will present the other 98% with the $700 billion tab.
In Racially-Tinged Rant, Limbaugh Calls Obama A ‘Delinquent’ Whose ‘Presidency Is Graffiti’ On History
Venomous shock jock Rush Limbaugh described President Obama as a “juvenile delinquent” in a rant on his radio show yesterday, and then posted the full transcript, which he titled “Obama’s Administration is Graffiti on the Walls of American History,” accompanied by a picture of “Obama graffiti” defacing Mount Rushmore.
– Earlier this week, Limbaugh proposed a new House Democratic leadership position for African-American Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC): “Driving Miss Nancy,” referring to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Driving Miss Daisy is a film about an African-American chauffeur.
– In September 2009, Limbaugh argued, “We need segregated buses. … This is Obama’s America.”
– In March 2009, Limbaugh said Obama “has a chip on his shoulder, and his wife does too, and they are some angry people.”
– In August 2008, Limbaugh claimed Americans were afraid to “criticize the little black man-child.”
– In May 2008, Limbaugh said Obama was “an affirmative action candidate.”
– In April 2007, Limbaugh played a song for his radio audience called “Barack the Magic Negro.”
– In January 2007, Limbaugh referred to Obama as a “halfrican American.”
Darn straight Limbaugh should love America. What other country would make a racist moron a millionaire for nothing more than running his mouth.