Is Fox News Lying About The Economy To Cover for Crony Capitalism and Financial Crimes
Monday on Glenn Beck, guest host Andrew Napolitano hosted Art Laffer, Steve Moore, and Charles Gasparino to discuss the coming budget and debt limit debates. All three have a history of making inflammatory statements and advancing blatant falsehoods.
Laffer Supported Raising The Social Security Retirement Age To 70 Because He "Love[s] Working."
Laffer Pushed Dubious Link Between Reagan Tax Cuts And The 1981-82 Recession. From the June 10, 2010 edition of Fox & Friends:
LAFFER: [W]hat Reagan did was he postponed tax cuts, which I believe caused the deep recession of 1981-82, and the tax rate cuts really began on January 1st, 1983, the big portion did. And the boom started on January 1st, 1983. You know, Brian, it has always amazed me how tax cuts don't work until they take effect.
BRIAN KILMEADE (co-host): Right.
LAFFER: And then they work like mad. [Fox News, Fox & Friends, 6/10/10]
In Fact, Economists Dispute Attempts To Connect Regan's Tax Policies With Ending The Recession. [See HERE]
Steve Moore Falsely Claimed That Health Care Reform Legislation Would Require Employers To Pay Extra Tax For Every "New Worker." From the August 12, 2009, edition of On the Record with Greta Van Susteren:
In Fact, The Provision Moore Was Criticizing Was A Penalty On Employers Who Do Not Provide Health Care Coverage To Employees, Not A Tax On All New Workers. [See HERE]
Art Moore Moore: "The One Thing This Administration Won't Do Is Cut Taxes." From the July 7, 2009 edition of On the Record with Greta Van Susteren - ( the fact is Democrats and Obama have signed three tax cuts into law including a tax cut for small business)
Gasparino: Obama Is "Bringing Back The Draft" Through Health Care Reform. Gasparino and Fox News' Andrew Napolitano likened a provision in the health care reform bill that would establish a reserve corps for public health emergencies to "bringing back the draft." From April 1, 2010 edition of Glenn Beck. * Fact: Here we are one year and counting after health care reform and still no secret draft.
Gasparino: Financial Reform Bill Contains A "Slush Fund" Of "$50 Billion To Bail You Out." From the April 22, 2010, edition of Hannity
In Fact, The Provision Gasparino Called A "Slush Fund" Established Regulatory Authority To Liquidate Failing Financial Firms, Not Bail Them Out. [See HERE]
Gasparino Falsely Claimed That The Extension Of The Bush Tax Cuts Would Mean That Businesses Would Increase Hiring. From Gasparino's December 15 New York Post column.
In Fact, the Congressional Budget Office Stated That "[I]ncreasing The After-tax Income Of Businesses Typically Does Not Create Much Incentive" For Them To Hire. [See HERE]