Conservative Jihadist Mike Huckabee Wants Every American To Be ‘Forced At Gun Point’ To Learn From Radical Historian

Iowa played host to two right-wing rodeos last weekend, the Conservative Principles Conference and the Rediscover God in America conference. While many of the GOP 2012 presidential hopefuls graced both stages, only at Rediscover God in America did they offer Americans two revealing facts: “America should be governed by biblical law,” and that discredited historian David Barton is a genius.Huckabee, like many fundamentalist conservative, whether they be Muslim or Christian, wants to take away the fundamental freedom guaranteed in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution - otherwise known as the Bill of Rights.
A former Texas GOP official, David Barton is a “Christian historical revisionist” who contends that “the United States of America is a Christian nation” and the separation of church and state is a “liberal myth.” He is also one of the most radical Tenthers in the country who believes the federal highway system is unconstitutional. So radical was his view that even the Tenth Amendment Center disavowed his federal highway theory.
Though he “holds no advanced degrees and does not teach at any legitimate institution,” Barton is no small figure in conservative politics. He was invited by Fox News host Glenn Beck and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) to teach as a “scholar” on American history. At the conference, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that “every time he hears Barton speak, he learns something new.” But Right Wing Watch’s Kyle Mantyla captured the most outrageous endorsement yet. Introduced by Barton, Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AK) insisted that children need to be “under his tutelage” and said that every American should be forced “at gun point” to “listen to every David Barton message”:
HUCKABEE: I don’t know anyone in America who is a more effective communicator [than David Barton.] I just wish that every single young person in America would be able to be under his tutelage and understand something about who we really are as a nation. I almost wish that there would be something like a simultaneous telecast and all Americans would be forced, forced — at gun point no less — to listen to every David Barton message. And I think our country would be better for it. I wish it’d happen.
Unfortunately, American children are already reaping the benefit of such “tutelage.” Appointed by several State Boards of Education and governors to “oversee the writing of history and government standards for public school students,” Barton is revising history textbooks in multiple states. In Texas, he’s ensuring books exchange biographies of George Washington, Thurgood Marshall, and Abraham Lincoln for the role of Jesus “in America’s past.”
But those watching the webcast of the event might be shocked to learn of Huckabee’s comments. As the Military Religious Freedom Foundation’s Chris Rodda notes, the webcast of the event edited out the “forced at gunpoint” comments — which, incidentally, received enthusiastic applause.
Breitbart Is Wrong: Texas Planned Parenthood Clinics DO Offer Mammograms
Andrew Breitbart's Big Journalism questioned the accuracy of Media Matters research showing that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Waco, Texas, provides mammograms. In fact, the clinic is partnered with outside organizations to provide mammograms.Andrew Brietbart wants to be a journalist, but seems to have learned journalism from the Soviet Pravda school of journalism. He and his protegee James O'Keefe have a lot in common with history's worse propagandist - most of all a contempt for the truth.
Big Journalism: Media Matters' Statement That Waco, TX Planned Parenthood Clinic Provides Mammograms Is "False"
Big Journalism: "Planned Parenthood Clinics In Texas Are Not Licensed To Have Mammogram Machines." From a post on Breitbart's Big Journalism, linking only to conservative, anti-abortion organizations to back up its claims:
Says Media Matters:
This is false.
Live Action called two clinics in Waco, in addition to the one in Tucson, Arizona (heard on tape in the video below) and were told that no, the clinics do not provide mammogram screenings. In fact,Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas are not licensed to have mammogram machines:
Of the 14 Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in Texas, not a single one has either license or equipment.
[Big Journalism, 3/30/11]
FACT: Waco's Planned Parenthood Of Central Texas Is Partnered With Outside Organizations To Provide Mammograms
Planned Parenthood Of Central Texas Pays For Patients To Get Mammograms. In a statement to Media Matters, Felicia Chase Goodman, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Central Texas said:
Planned Parenthood of Central Texas is proud to provide comprehensive breast cancer screening for our patients, including mammography when needed. Through grants from the Central Texas affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation and our participation in the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening (BCCS) program (through the Texas Department of State Health Services), PPCT provides referrals and pays for mammograms and diagnostic follow up treatment for our patients at area radiology and surgical clinics.
Through these grants, in 2010 PPCT patients received 609 screening mammograms and 125 diagnostic mammograms; breast cancer was detected in 20 women. For most of these patients, Planned Parenthood is their only healthcare provider.
Through our participation in the BCCS program, patients who are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer can be enrolled in the Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) program, which ensures that they receive the necessary treatment to fight cancer.
Waco, TX Planned Parenthood Has Provided Over 2,000 Mammograms Since 2001. From a Waco Planned Parenthood Newsletter:
In 2009 we provided 487 mammograms and 162 diagnostic follow-up procedures for our patients. Since this program began in 2001, we have provided 2,683 mammograms to low-income women. [Waco Planned Parenthood, Spring/Summer 2010]
El Paso Times: "Free Mammograms May Be Available Through Nonprofit Health-Care Organizations Serving The Community, Including ... Planned Parenthood Of El Paso As Well As Others." From an October 10, 2008, column in The El Paso Times: