Andrew Breitbart's Liar For Hire Lila Rose Pushes Falsehood That Abortion Is How Indiana Planned Parenthood "Makes Money"
Appearing on Fox News to push her most recent attack on Planned Parenthood, Lila Rose claimed that abortions are how Planned Parenthood of Indiana "makes money." In fact, abortions account for only an estimated 16 percent of its total annual revenue in 2010.
Rose Claims Indiana's Planned Parenthood Relies On Abortions To Generate Its Revenue
Rose: Abortions Are "How [Planned Parenthood] Makes Money" In Indiana. From Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:
LILA ROSE: I think a fundamental point here is the fact that the state of Indiana told Planned Parenthood, if you suspend your abortion practices -- they do over 50 percent of abortions in Indiana, this is how they make money -- if you suspend those practices, you can receive as much Medicaid money as you want. But they refused. They are using Medicaid services, serving less than one percent of women of Indiana as a front for an abortion business that is cornering the market in Indiana. That's what this is about. It's about abortion. [Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, 6/29/11]
Abortions Accounted For A Mere 16 Percent Of Planned Parenthood Of Indiana's Total Revenue
Abortions Account For 3.56 Percent Of Planned Parenthood Of Indiana's Total Services. Planned Parenthood of Indiana reported that it performed 5,580 abortions out of 156,549 total "procedures provided" in 2010, meaning that 3.56 percent of its procedures were abortions.
Abortions Account For Only About 16 Percent Of Planned Parenthood Of Indiana's Revenue.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana performed 5,580 abortions in 2010. [Planned Parenthood of Indiana Annual Report, 2010]
Planned Parenthood of Indiana's total revenue in 2010 was $15,670,306. [Planned Parenthood of Indiana Annual Report, 2010]
According to Live Action's own figures, which Politifact-Florida deemed reasonable in this case, Planned Parenthood charges an average of $450 per abortion. [Politifact-Florida, 4/21/11]
This means that Planned Parenthood of Indiana's total revenue from abortion was approximately $2,511,000 or about 16 percent of its total revenue of $15,670,306
Anti-Abortion Activist Lila Rose Consistently Pushes Falsehoods To Attack Planned Parenthood
Rose Pushes Falsehoods Such As The Claim That Planned Parenthood Abets Sex Trafficking Of Children. As Media Matters has documented, Rose is an anti-abortion activist who has repeatedly attacked Planned Parenthood with falsehoods and hoax videos. In particular, she has pushed the falsehood that Planned Parenthood abets child sex trafficking. [Media Matters, 4/6/11, 3/2/11, 2/18/11, 2/8/11, 2/1/11]
Rose wants to use big government to force her personal point of view on women's personal health care decisions. In Lila Rose's world women do not own their bodies the government does. Sounds like a nightmare remeneisent of dozens of history's worse despots. Abortion is a legal medical procedure and the women who use Planned Parenthood frequently have nowhere else to turn. Thus Rose's agenda is another element of the rabid Right's class warfare.