Time to Recall Ohio Gov. John Kasich Who Wants To Open Up State Parks For Oil And Gas Exploration
At the behest of then-Vice President Dick Cheney, an exemption was inserted into a 2005 energy bill — dubbed the “Haliburton loophole” — which stripped the EPA of its power to regulate a natural gas drilling technique called hydraulic fracturing. This method, called fracking, entails drilling a L-shaped well deep into shale and pumping millions of gallons of water laced with industrial chemicals — chemicals which the energy companies are not legally bound to disclose. The poisonous fluid fractures the shale and releases natural gas deposits for collection.Gov. John Kasich (R) has taken to the current Republican habit of jumping up and down while waving his arms like a mad man pointing to crisis that do not exist or solutions that are counter productive. Either Kasich, and governors like Scott Walker of Wisconsin, do not understand the problem or they are hoping people do not look at the facts. Giving away public lands, land held in the public bank so to speak, will do next to nothing to lower energy prices. At the same time it will become an economic problem and environmental disaster down the road. And we all know who pays for disasters. Not people like Kasich and his wealthy friends like the Koch brothers. Regular working folks will pay. Domestic production rose sharply over the last two years, but didn't make a darn bit of difference
Due to the documented water contamination issues surrounding hydraulic fracturing, both New York and New Jersey have imposed bans on fracking in their states. But the public health risk doesn’t seem to bother Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and state Republicans. The Ohio House introduced a bill early this month that would create a panel to open any state-owned land for oil and gas exploration to the highest bidder. This week, in an unreleased portion of Kasich’s proposed budget, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources would be given authority to lease 200,000 acres of state park land for oil and gas exploration.
Kasich has fully endorsed drilling in Ohio state parks, saying, “Ohio is not going to walk away from a potential industry.” State Rep. John Adams (R), the House bill’s sponsor, said drilling in state parks can help erase a projected $8 billion budget deficit, and “keep our parks and our lakes up to the standards that the citizens of Ohio want.”
But the evidence proves contrary. Since 2005, large amounts of radioactive material have been found in water supplies near fracking sites, many Pennsylvanians have gotten sick, the tap water in homes near fracking sites have caught on fire, and a home in Celveland, Ohio blew up.
Responding to the threat fracking imposes on public health, Congress has directed the EPA to study how fracking affects drinking water. Reps. Diana Degette (D-CO) and Jared Polis (D-CO) have reintroduced the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, which would restore the EPA’s authority to regulate fracking — effectively closing the “Halliburton loophole.”
[D]omestic production of crude oil and related liquids rose 3 percent last year to an average of 7.51 million barrels a day -- its highest level since 2002.
The rise enabled a 2 percent drop in U.S. oil imports to 9.45 million barrel per day, in spite of rising demand as the economy recovered. U.S. oil imports have fallen steadily since 2006.