Glenn Beck the Self Appointed Messiah Channels Right-wing Christianist
Author Joel Richardson has a long history of antagonism toward Islam, having written in his book The Islamic Antichrist that Islam will be the "primary vehicle" "used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible." He has also agreed with the Florida pastor who planned to burn Qurans that "Islam is of the devil" and written a column headlined "What Obama and the Antichrist have in common."Most security experts a agree that al-Qaeda is the biggest exterior threat to the west. Its membership only numbers in the tens of thousands at most. With about 1 billion Muslims in the world, hard core radicals represent a small percentage of Islam. Yet Richardson and the looney beck are wetting their diapers in fear. if this is an average year about 2,500 Americans will kill each other, a few thousand Americans will sexually assult other Americans and car wrecks will kill 45,000 Americans. Radical jihadists will not even come close to killing as many Americans as cars do.
Beck's Media Empire Increasingly Promoting Richardson
Richardson Pens Articles For Beck Website, Appears In Beck-Produced Video. In addition to his scheduled appearance on the February 17 Glenn Beck -- where, according to a WorldNetDaily report, he was to discuss "Islam's Mahdi, the Antichrist, the Middle East and Bible prophecy" -- Richardson has also benefited from promotion by other segments of Beck's media empire:
* In the past two weeks, Beck's website The Blaze has published columns by Richardson on the "History of the Caliphate" [TheBlaze.com, 2/6/11] and "The Emerging Leftist-Islamist Revolutionary Alliance." [TheBlaze.com, 2/8/11]
* Richardson appears in Rumors of War, a video released January 24 about "the true threat level a nuclear Iran poses to the United States and the Israel." It was produced by Beck's company Mercury Radio Arts and is available only to Insider Extreme subscribers on Beck's website.
Richardson Has Praised Beck's Attacks On Social Justice. Richardson wrote in a post on his blog: "I am truly grateful to TV and radio host Glenn Beck for highlighting the Marxist foundations of the 'social justice' movement. There is a vast difference between 'social justice' and genuine Biblical justice. Christians that swallow this poison pill are quickly transformed into little socialists for Jesus." [Joel's Trumpet, 7/8/10]
Richardson In 2009: "Beck Needs To Have Me On Sometime." Richardson wrote in a 2009 blog post: "Beck needs to have me on sometime. He gets a lot of his info wrong. Ayatollah Khomeini never banned 'Twelvers', as he himself was one. He banned the Hojjatieh of which Ahmadinejad is arguably a member of and which Mesbah Yazdi below is as well." [Joel's Trumpet, 10/1/09]
Richardson: Islam Is The "Vehicle" Of Satan
Richardson Posits That Muslim Mahdi Will Be The Antichrist. In his book The Islamic Antichrist [WND Books, 2009], Richardson "makes the case that the biblical Antichrist is one and the same as the Quran's Muslim Mahdi." [WorldNetDaily, 8/3/09]. He also claims that Islam is "the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist." From The Islamic Antichrist:
So maybe you now agree that it is important to become informed regarding Islam, but you may wonder why it is important to understand Islamic eschatology specifically. That's a good question. Please think through some of these points carefully: The Bible makes it clear that the Devil's primary plan for the last days has been, for the past few thousand years, to raise up two men, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, as his primary instruments to deceive the inhabitants of the earth. How do you suppose that Satan has planned to include the world's 1.5 billion Muslims in his grand end-time deception? Did Satan fail to foresee and strategize regarding the global spread of Islam? Or has Satan included the Muslims of the world in his end-time strategy? Will Islam, the world's third monotheistic religion, also undergo the persecution of Satan along with Christians and Jews as they all resist the Antichrist together? Or will Islam -- the religion that prides itself on resisting any form of idolatry -- simply submit to a demonic and false religious leader without putting up any real fight? For years, I questioned the Lord about these issues. In time, as my knowledge of Islam deepened, the answers to my questions became very clear. This book is my attempt to share with you what I have learned. I understand that this may sound like a strong statement to make, but I believe that the information presented in this book will establish the fact that Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that will be used by Satan to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible about the future political/religious/military system of the Antichrist that will overwhelm the entire world just prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. [The Islamic Antichrist, Pages 11-12 (italics in original)]
Richardson Agreed With Pastor Who Planned To Burn Qurans That "Islam Is Of The Devil"
Richardson: "One Cannot Be A Christian And Also Believe That Islam Is Not Evil." Discussing Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who last year announced plans to hold a "Burn A Quran Day," and then changed his mind in the face of widespread condemnation, Richardson wrote at WorldNetDaily:
I fully agree with Pastor Terry Jones regarding the title of his book, "Islam is of the Devil." There's no question about it. In fact, I would say that if one is a true Christian and genuinely informed regarding Islam, there is no other option. One cannot be a Christian and also believe that Islam is not evil.