Ironically Smiley Faced Fascist Glenn Beck is Manically Obsessed With Calling Everyone Nazis
Today, Jewish Funds for Justice ran an open letter in the Wall Street Journal calling on Rupert Murdoch to "sanction Glenn Beck" for his repeated use of Holocaust and Nazi imagery. The letter was signed by 400 rabbis. From the letter:Beck has a tiny bit of intellectual skills and clearly a mentally challenged personality to go with it. Fact checkers find Beck lies about everything and does so incessantly. he does this because he knows, and his fanatical anti-American fan base knows, he cannot win on evidence and the facts.
We were...deeply offended by Roger Ailes' recent statement attributing the outrage over Glenn Beck's use of Holocaust and Nazi images to "left-wing rabbis who basically don't think that anybody can ever use the word 'Holocaust' on the air."
We share a belief that the Holocaust, of course, can and should be discussed appropriately in the media. But that is not what we have seen at Fox News. It is not appropriate to accuse a 14-year-old Jew hiding with a Christian family in Nazi-occupied Hungary of sending his people to death camps. It is not appropriate to call executives of another news agency "Nazis." And it is not appropriate to make literally hundreds of on-air references to the Holocaust and Nazis when characterizing people with whom you disagree.
It is because this issue has a profound impact on each of us, our families and our communities that we are calling on Fox News to meet the standard it has set for itself: "to exercise the ultimate sensitivity when referencing the Holocaust."
We respectfully request that Glenn Beck be sanctioned by Fox News for his completely unacceptable attacks on a survivor of the Holocaust and that Roger Ailes apologize for his dismissive remarks about rabbis' sensitivity to how the Holocaust is used on the air. [The Wall Street Journal, 1/27/11, via The Washington Post]
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